BASA Membership
BASA welcomes Membership applications from eligible individuals.
Membership of the association is open to both qualified and unqualified practicing analysts in seed testing stations and other such person as the committee shall approve.
Members include analysts and individuals who work within the both the agricultural and horticultural sector.
Applicants agree to comply with the criteria for membership laid down by the BASA committee.
To receive an application form and further details on annual subscription, please contact us at
Benefits of membership:
The association is managed through an executive committee which meets several times during the year. BASA members have the opportunity to raise issues with any member of the committee which they wish to be formally considered by the association.
Click here to contact a committee member
(Membership required)
Members of the committee have close liaison with the Official Seed Testing Stations across the United Kingdom, The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) and the Food & Environment Research Agency (Fera). Meetings can be held with these organisations to address any legislative problems in seed testing.
The combined knowledge and experience of many practising analysts across Britain.
Annual summer visits and workshops.
"For the advancement of seed testing"